TP-Guestbook Plugin

This page is for people who cannot understand Korean. Please let me know about any mistakes in grammar. I’m not so good at English but I’ll try to fix them:)

Actually, this is not my plugin. I’ve merged some great plugins and added some user friendly interface.

1.Original Authors

2. Description

  • Include all functions in original plugins (except ‘shrink font by’)
  • Support Gravatar plugin.
  • Seperated javascript, css.
  • Support friendly url on WP 1.5, 2.0(or heigher).
    (e.g. http://mysite/guestbook/comment-page-4/)
  • Added TP_Guestbook option page.(wp-admin>Options>TP_Guestbook)
  • You can create your own guestbook style file.(tp-guestbook/css)
  • Support one click guestbook creation.(v0.97 or heigher)
  • Support localization (currently support English, Korean only)

3. Installation

  • Extracting downloaded file will creates two folder(‘tp-guestbook’, ‘themes’).
  • Upload ‘tp-guestbook’ to plugins folder. (e.g. /wp-content/plugins/)
  • Upload guestbook.php(in themes folder) to current theme folder.
  • Activate ‘TP_Guestbook’ on plugins panel.
  • Go to TP_Guestbook option page and click “Create Page” once if you don’t have one.

4. Guestbook Page Creation

  • There is some guestbook page template files in ‘themes’ folder.
    (Default, K2, Almost-spring ,Blix ,Connections ,Green-marinee ,Ocadia ,Pool, hemingway)
  • If you use another theme, you can make one refer to default theme’s guestbook.php template. (check this page)
  • After upload guestbook page template file to current theme folder, click “Create Page” once

5. Config

  • Go to wp-admin>Options>TP_Guestbook.
  • Select ‘Guestbook Scheme’ you’d like to use on guestbook page.
  • See this page for more information

6. Guestbook Style

  • This plugin includes some stylesheets (tpg-default, 082net, hemingway, alvin…etc.).
  • If you want to use your own style, modify tpg_default.css or create new one refer to sample.css
  • Upload new style file to ‘css’ folder (wp-content/plugins/tp-guestbook/css)
  • Select new style file on TP_Guestbook option page and “Update Options”


8. Readme

  • Special thanks to plugin original authors.
  • Let me know if you find any bugs. I’d like to hear your suggetions also:)
  • ‘tp-guestbook’ means ‘T‘hreaded + ‘P‘aged + ‘Guestbook’

9. Related Links

73 responses to “TP-Guestbook Plugin”

  1. why Error Message
    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘}’ in C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\wordpress\wp-content\plugins\tp-guestbook\tp-guestbook.php on line 128
    can help me?:cry:

    • I didn’t know that the download link wasn’t here since there’s so many download link for this plugin on by blog;-)

      I just added it, thanks:-)

  2. How do the /lang/ folder works?

    I have translated the .po file to norwegian (because my mother language is norwegian of course).

    But then I just don’t know what to do?! And you hasn’t written anything so I thought I could ask here.

    Please answer me. Hurry! :|

    • 1. rename PO file to tp-guestbook-[WP_LANG].po (e.g. tp-guestbook-en_US.po)

      Open your translated .po file with PoEdit and just save it then PoEdit will create .mo file.

      That’s all:-)

      I gradly add your link(localization file) to this page, if you want.

  3. I think I’ve got your plugin installed ok, but I keep getting the “it looks like the plugin hasn’t been activated” error.

    I’ve tried de and reactivating the plugin and resetting the options.

    Any ideas?

  4. […]     TP-Guestbook:为博客增加留言薄,安装并激活,然后使用后台管理界面中撰写页面的功能写一个页面(注意不是写文章),名字和内容随便填,最主要的是在右侧的”页面页“一栏中选择”Guest Book“模板。这个插件安装的时候比较麻烦,它需要复制一个对应的”guestbook.php“文件到你使用的模板的目录下,如果下载回来的压缩包里没有对应你使用的模板的文件就麻烦了,不过我发现里面有一个叫”blix“还是什么(我给忘了),的目录下的”guestbook.php“文件似乎所有的模板都可以用,只是不会显示侧边栏,效果见我的留言薄。 […]

  5. […] 本來也考慮使用討論板,但找到的WordPress討論板Plugin功能不是很符合本站的需求,所以還是選擇使用留言板。Adsense繁體中文觀測站留言板使用的是TP-guestbook,由一位韓國人結合Brian’s Threaded Comments(1.5.6),Paged Comments V2 (2006-04-07),Threaded and Paged Comments 的功能制作出來的留言板。 […]

  6. Hello – thanks for the great plugin. I have a user with Editor privileges in WordPress that reply’s to visitors comments and I would like his comments to be automatically approved – just like admins are auto-approved. Is there an easy workaround to this?

    Thanks -Gary

  7. Great job!

    I’d like like to know that in general, how do you add top menu links, like:

    Home About Random GuestBook, etc.?

    Thank you.

  8. Hello. I’d like very much to use your plugin, but I’m having trouble. I tried many different ways, but I keep getting the “you already have a guestbook; id=68” message. I deleted the page 68 from my Manage Pages, and tried reinstalling, but it didn’t work. I seem to be stuck with a ghost guestbook at id 68. Any ideas? Thank you!

      • Thanks. I tried that. It says “GuestBook created”. When I go to the Manage Pages, I see the new page called Guest Book. It has the Guest Book template, and a slug of “guestbook”. When I click on VIEW PAGE, I get a 404…? Thanks so much for helping. What am I doing wrong? I really like this plugin! 8)

  9. I used you pluging. Everything is ok, but one thing, as I understand there is one missing in /div. For example if I turn on that only logged user can add comments – I got message that “Please login bla bla…” and MY SIDEBAR go down. If there is no such message – everything is ok. Tried on 3 different themes.

    And I have 2 more questions – how can I add userpictures (as here) and what tool should I use to translate it? I plan to translate it in Russian.

    Wait for your response. Thanks.

    • 1. As for the broken layout, it’s a bug for missing ‘div’ on ‘login to reply’ element and will be fixed on next release(maybe this weekend).

      2. TP-Guestbook supports Gravatar plugin and it shows those icons depend on commenter’s email address.

      3. You can use PoEdit when you translate this plugin. After installing PoEdit, just open .PO file and translate it. Your new file name must have defined ‘WPLANG’ value just like “tp-guestbook-en_US.po”

  10. I apologize for might sound like such a simple question, but…

    I followed the installation instructions on my WP2.05 install and the plugin is activated and I can see and set the option within the admin area (according to your instructions) — but what are the steps required to integrate the plugin to my blog so that I can see it? It does not show up on my blog pages, so I assume something more is needed.

    My blog has a customized a theme based upon the Anthosia theme.

    Thank you:?

    • Did you created a guestbook page on TP-Guestbook option panel by clicking “Create Page”? (This needs guestbook.php(template file) in current theme folder)

      If you don’t have a template file matches your theme, you can create it yourself refer to this page. Clicking “How to create a new template” link will show the instructions.

      If you already have followed those steps, you must manualy insert guestbook page link to your current theme template(maybe header.php or sidebar.php) for Anthosia theme does not have “Page List”.

      Before this, You can test it with “default theme” which have “Pages” on sidebar.

      I hope you make it work:)

      • Thank you!

        Actually, I got it working just after my message — Problem was that I did not read your install notes correctly:(

        Since I had my own theme, I needed to insert the:

        if (function_exists(‘tpg_template’)) tpg_template(); else comments_template();

        AND ALSO, in the Options section I needed to set “ALL POSTS” and “ALL PAGES” to TRUE.

        Works perfectly now.

        An excellent plugin.

        Thank you!

  11. Does it have any spam filter or security code? or any tool that we can use to prevent spam?? .Thanks , it looks great :)

    • This plugin works with wordpress comment system. So just use any wordpress spam block plugin like akismet, bad-behavior, spam karma… and so on…

  12. Hi, thanks for creating a great plugin. I am using the following theme and am having a hard time trying to edit the CSS to match the theme.

    The theme is located at

    If anyone has matched the theme can they please provide the CSS so that it can be included in an upgrade.

    For the time being all I would like to know is how can I edit the width of the text input fields. I am using “size=22”, but the field streches the whole width of the form!

    I am currently using the default plugin theme.


    Gary O

    • You better edit css file(tpg-default.css or your current stylesheet).
      Find (about line 133)
      #tpg-commentform #author,
      #tpg-commentform #email,
      #tpg-commentform #url,
      #tpg-commentform #comment {
      width: 90%;

      and edit “width”

  13. When i active this plugin, i can’t finish this step.

    error information below:

    WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1]

    WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'ADD COLUMN comment_reply_ID INT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0' at line 1]

    WordPress database error: [You have an error in your SQL syntax. Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1]

    Can’t you help me?

  14. Great plugin, the only problem i have noticed is the rss link:

    It does not work correctly.. It doesn’t show any visitors comments ??

    • I found that WP 2.0 or lower does not supports comments rss for page but WP 2.1(svn) dose. So I made a instance hack which will be included into next version. It’ll append only ‘?withcomments=1’ to RSS URL on page.


  15. Thanks a tonne for this plugin and especially for the simple installation :)I’m now trying to work out how to get it to work with my template (I’m using Refresh from the the Themes section of WordPress) so fingers crossed should be all finished soon!

  16. […] 今天早上給網站安裝了兩個外掛,因為這網站流量並不大,所以我覺得沒有必要設立所謂的留言版,不過既然架設網站眼光就要放長遠一些,加上Carrie說我網站沒有留言版功能,所以我覺得不管用不用得到,還是把他架了起來。 我用的是一個韓國人結合一些別人的外掛所研發出來的一個留言版外掛,雖然他網站上面敘述的安裝步驟我不是很了,不過神奇的是,我把檔案解壓縮之後丟到對應的目錄底下,按啟用,居然就可以用了,不需要額外設定什麼奇奇怪怪的東西,希望是真的沒有問題才好! 至於Refferral Tracker這個外掛,則是我之前在ServerZoo就已經安裝的外掛,但是因為主機商本身顧及Security的因素關閉了一些功能,所以當這外掛啟用之後會再頁面的頂端出現很惱人的錯誤訊息,雖然外掛還是可以正常運作,但是那些字看起來就是很礙眼,所以只好忍痛不用他! 這個外掛最主要的就是可以對於網站的訪客進出次數、藉由何處轉址來的顯示的很清楚,而且還有所謂的點擊表,可以將網站的點擊率變成柱狀圖顯示在頁面上,對於喜歡安裝很多統計功能的人來說,這個外掛無疑是最佳的選擇之一! 於是我今天抱著姑且一試的心態安裝了下去,咦!OKㄝ!真是令人欣喜若狂,真想高喊:BlueHost萬歲!哈哈 如果想看這兩個外掛的頁面,可以點下面或者旁邊的連結: Referral Tracker Plugin Demo Page Guestbook Plugin Demo Page 外掛的原始網址 Referral Tracker Plugin Guestbook Plugin […]

  17. Thanks! Mhh.. I translated the your Korean pot file and then I tried the po. I didn’t work. Where do I have to put the file and what name does it have to be. I don’t see the wood for the trees.:?

    • 1. Rename your translated file to tp-guestbook-de_DE.po.
      2. Open it with PoEdit and just save file once.
      3. Then you can see the file.
      4. Upload .po and .mo file to tp-guestbook/lang folder.
      5. That’s all:)

  18. Yeah, I would also like to have the .POT file =) I want to translate it into German.


  19. Hey!

    Thanks for making this great plugin. Could you provide the .POT file so I can translate it into German?
