Wp-SlimStat-Ex plugin tracks your wordpress blog. This plugin is based on Wp-SlimStat v0.9.2 by Mr. Coolmann
Current version : v2.1x
Powered by
- SlimStat: http://wettone.com/code/slimstat
- Wp-SlimStat: http://www.duechiacchiere.it/wp-slimstat/
- SlimStat-Ex requires WP 2.5 or greater. There is a v1.6 for lesser WP versions which does not supported anymore.
- Separated feed statistics
- Ajax modules : You can browse each panels and modules without refresing entire page like slot promotions.
- After v1.3, support browser’s back button – powered by ajax.history.js by Siegfried Puchbauer <rails-spinoffs (at) lists(dot)rubyonrails(dot)org>
- Filtered results : You can filter stats by remote addr, domain(referer), search terms and so on.
- Plugable extensions(Pin): PathStats, Downloads, Micelleneous, BadBehaviour, FreshView, etc. (Check this)
- SlimStat-Admin tool :
Support importing Wp-ShortStat and Wp-SlimStat, deleting old stats data, updating Ip-to-country database andperformance management through adding or removing index keys from stats table. You can check currently available modules with each module’s ID - Fix time offset between server and blog(manual)
- Support Ignore-IP-List(supprot IP-range e.g
- Get post or page title from resource(url)
- Support external tracking
- Support external ip-to-country database
- Upload ‘
‘ folder extracted from downloaded file towp-content/plugins
. - In case of using external ip-to-country database(web), open wp-slimstat-ex-config.php and set “SLIMSTAT_EXTERNAL_IPTC” to
. (Note: Using external ip-to-country database will take times to get informations)if (!defined(‘SLIMSTAT_EXTERNAL_IPTC’))
define(‘SLIMSTAT_EXTERNAL_IPTC’, true); // set this true to use external ip-to-country database Open wp-slimstat-ex-config.php and set– removed since v1.5$korean
to ‘false’ (true for Korean only)- Go to Wp-Admin > Plugins panel and ‘Activate’ Wp-SlimStat-Ex.
It may takes times for importing ip-to-country informations(First install only).- Go to Wp-Admin) > Options > SlimStat tab and make sure “Enable Tracking” is “enable”.
- Now you can check your blog stats on SlimStat tab under Dashboard panel.
- If you want to use Pins(plugin), download wp-slimstat-ex-pins.zip and upload each extracted folder to wp-slimstat-ex/pins folder and ‘activate’ it from Options > SlimStat tab.
- Go to Wp-Admin > Options > SlimStat tab and change options.
- See Wp-SlimStat-Ex-Options for details
Click image below for some screenshot.
If you first installed v1.5~v1.502, go to ‘slimstat option page > SlimStat-Admin’ and press “Re-build ip-to-country” button once.
For lesser than WP v2.5
160 responses to “Wp-SlimStat-Ex Plugin”
[…] wp-slimstat 以及 wp-slimstat-ex都非常便于安装。WP slimstat […]
[…] Slimstats-Ex – Sammelt, analysiert und visualisiert Zugriffsdaten des Blogs. […]
[…] ついでなので、WP-Slimstat-EXと言うSlimstatを拡張したバージョンに流れで、導入しちゃいました。 それは、続きにかいておきます。 […]
This is a cool plugin. There is something similar that I have found and tried before, but nothing as good as this plugin. Been using it for awhile now and its highly recommended.
I am curious to find out what blog system you have been utilizing? I’m having some small security issues with my latest website and I’d like to find something more safe. Do you have any recommendations?
[…] wp-slimstat 以及 wp-slimstat-ex都非常便于安装。WP slimstat […]
Hi there, what an amazing plugin, its so lightweight, does not use much resources, and i highly recommend it to anyone before purchasing retail, beeg.cm
Hi! Thanks for great plugin! Its better than commercial solutions like Mint. Ive been using original SlimStat plugin by Wettone and tracked over 60000 hits. Now my question is, is it possible to merge the 2 databases? Maybe you could tell me what I should change to make wp-slimstat-ex use old SlimStat database
Any recent updates … I remember this plugin in time I was just starting with blogs.
Was just looking around the site as I am considering signing up for your service for either my blog or some hub pages (maybe both). Was a little concerned when your sign up pages were offering me a WordPress v2.5/2.7 version of the plug in!
[…] bruker WP Slimstat Ex og har prøvd Google Analytics innstikket. Den første er nok mest komplisert og den siste fører […]
Hey there! I’ve restarted developing WP SlimStat. I’ll release version 2.0 soon, and I’d like to incorporate parts of your front-end interface for visualizing the stats. If you want, we can start working together on this new version! I’ve completed the new “engine” for tracking visits and hits. Please contact me if you want to “merge” the two projects in one wonderful new plugin
I didn’t noticed problems on recent 2.8 WP. Is everything OK with 2.9.2? Thanks
[…] Spam filtern: Askimet, key: c38e96f6f3c1, email: as@mcube.de Seitenstatistik: slimstat-ex http://082net.com/2006/756/wp-slimstat-ex-plugin-en/ 1. slimstat-ex normal installieren 2. pins hinüberkopieren in […]
Thanks for the update, but even running 2.1.2 I’m still getting the “Sorry, we do not allow direct or external access.” error message.
Any tips on how to get around this?
[…] wodpress dashboard. Similar to Akismet, a WordPress.com API key is required. Although shortstat, slimstat-Ex, and bsuite are all in the same category, I still prefer to use WordPress.com stats as it’s […]
[…] Use wp-slimstat or wp-slimstat-ex because they are both so easy to install. WP slimstat ex is based on wp-slimstat but full of AJAX […]
This is nice, but maybe you should force your self to make update. These days there are rain of plugins coming out daily.
Actually, I was about to release v2.1beta several month ago, but my job for money didn’t allowed me to do that.
And now, I’m testing it with WP 2.8.4 on my spare time if it causes any trouble with new wordpress environments for I don’t want to make people in trouble because of my incompatible plugin.
Please be patient, it won’t take long
That’s great news! I’m looking forward to the new version coming out.

And it’s out now
[…] 1、本体をダウンロードして解凍します。 […]
thanks for the great work
[…] Use wp-slimstat or wp-slimstat-ex because they are both so easy to install. WP slimstat ex is based on wp-slimstat but full of AJAX […]
[…] Use wp-slimstat or wp-slimstat-ex because they are both so easy to install. WP slimstat ex is based on wp-slimstat but full of AJAX […]
It would be interesting how this plugin can handle fun stuff oriented blog. I think it would do just fine.
[…] logsが動かなくなったので、Wp-SlimStat-Ex(本家、紹介サイト)に乗り換え。 […]
[…] 這個外掛套件叫wp-slimstat-ex,網站在這邊 […]
Very nice info. Thanks
Good working!
Will this plugin work on wordpress 2.7.1?
I’ve tested with 2.7.1 on local, it was OK
Let me know if you find something that works. I need something like this for another project.
I’m using the basic WordPress Stats, I wan’t more detailed statistics and I’m gonna change to this one…
Interesting idea. I got idea of using this plugin on one thread of some of the webmaster forums. Some member had small review and I’m here to see what’s that all about.
[…] http://082net.com/2006/756/wp-slimstat-ex-plugin-en/に行く(異国語) 2. 下のほうにある2つのファイルをダウンロードする。 […]
[…] Wp-SlimStat-Exというプラグイン。日本語化ファイルも配布されています。 […]
[…] ダウンロードHP […]
Nice plugin! thanks a lot
So long
[…] ・WP-SlimStat-Ex […]
I have to listen to my older fellow bloggers. They say this plugin is a must, so here I am.
[…] やっと導入でけた。なんか知らんが苦労した。 WP-SlimStat-EXを探っている段階で、なんとなく「WP2.5以上ではエラーが出る」とかは見かけた。が、探っているうちに対応版が出てるのを発見し、早速導入開始 ファイルをFTPソフト(FFFTP)でアップロードプラグイン有効化OK。設定出てきた。pinsタブでエラー・・・ 解析結果画面が出ない(リンクがない)何で? で、今日いろいろ探してたら、やっぱり導入できるはず。と、前のファイルはきれいに消してダウンロードから始めた。FFFTPでは、どうもサーバーとの相性がよろしくないらしく、大量のファイルをアップするとエラーになるんで、「FileZilla」という奴を使ってアップロードしてみた。エラーなしでアップロード完了。有効化OK。設定出る。pinsタブ正常^^ 管理画面トップに「SlimStat」のリンク(ボタン?)発見。表示されました。 当然、解析結果はデータなしだからほとんど未表示。まぁ、しばらく(ずーっと?)寂しい解析結果になるんだろうけどさ。 ついでにこちらのサイト様から日本語化ファイルゲットして日本語化にも成功(感謝) 最初は何がいけなかったんだろ? 多分無理なアップロードが原因かも・・・ アップロードでエラーが出た。FTPソフトではフォルダが表示されない状態。でも再アップしようとすると「上書きしますか?」と聞かれるのでファイルはある。 一度にアップするとエラーで止まるので、全部再アップ後すぐに取り消し(フォルダ作りたかっただけ)。で、小分けにしてアップ・・・・とこの辺の動作があやしい・・・ か、無理に日本語化しようとして前のバージョンの日本語化ファイルを導入したのがいけなかったのかもしれない。 […]
[…] WP-SlimStat-Ex 日本語版がまた使えたよ! WordPress, 日常 Add comments 以前のエントリーでWP-SlimStat-Ex 日本語版使ってたけどWordpress2.5にしたら「重大なエラーが…」と言われて使えなくなっちゃったということを書きましたが、なんと新しいバージョンが出てました。 折角なのでダウンロード→インストール→日本語化。 日本語ファイルはこちらから頂きました。 今のところ無事に動いてます。 […]
[…] 普通にアップロードしてActivateしただけで・・・。素晴らしすぎる! 普通のページだけでなく、FeedやKtai Styleでの表示分まで解析されちゃいます。P905iのiモードでアクセスするとKtai Style経由で表示されるのですが、この場合はBrowserがDocomo2.0でPlatformがxxになります。P905i内蔵のフルブラウザでアクセスすると、BrowserがNetscape 4.08でPlatformがxxになります。機種名までわからないものの、アメリカのロサンゼルスからドコモの携帯でアクセスしてるとかわかったりします(←これには正直ビックリでした)。初めてインストールする場合の説明とOptionsの解説を見れば簡単かなと思います。Geo SlimStatでGoogle Map表示出来ますが、アクセス数が増えてくると表示に時間がかかってしまいます。そこで、高速表示させたいなら、あらかじめGeoIP用のデータベースを設置しておけばOKです。MaxMindのGeoLite Cityにアクセスし、Installation detailsのDownload the latest GeoLite City Binary Formatというリンクより、GeoLiteCity.dat.gzをダウンロードして解凍します。Mac OS X Leopard環境(=現在10.5.4)なら、ダブルクリックするだけで解凍されます。解凍して出来た「GeoLiteCity.dat(約26MB)」を/wp-slimstat-ex/lib/geoipフォルダにアップロードします。これで、Geo SlimStatは快適表示になったかと思います。ただし、GeoLiteCity.datは毎月1日に更新されるようなので、手動で更新しましょう。あと、Pinというプラグイン形式で機能を追加することが出来ます。wp-slimstat-ex-pins.zipを解凍し、/wp-slimstat-ex/pinsフォルダにアップロードして、それぞれの機能をActivateすればOKです。 […]
I’m using the basic WordPress Stats, I wan’t more detailed statistics and I’m gonna change to this one…
Wp-SlimStat-Ex Plugin…
Wp-SlimStat-Ex plugin tracks your wordpress blog. This plugin is based on Wp-SlimStat v0.9.2 by Mr. Coolmann….
[…] I just got time and needed some change from writing, so I just added another plugin (actually I had it in the old blogs but it didn’t work with my current wordpress-version – […]
People should be sharing more free things like this. Its what keeps the Internet buzzin’.
[…] WP-Slimstat-Ex […]
Wp-SlimStat-Ex plugin tracks your wordpress blog. This plugin is based on Wp-SlimStat v0.9.2 by Mr. Coolmann….
[…] WP-Slimstat-Ex […]
This is interesting idea. I’m still thinking that I can gain something for my blog developing.
I encounter to this error while activating :
Plugin could not be activated because it triggered a fatal error
There is a temporary fix.
I’m satisfied with its performance, especially when it helped tracking performance of my blog. Thanks
Thanks for the information on the plugin. I will give it a try because it would be nice to know where my traffic is coming from.
Thanks for nice plugin.
Tracking is great feedback for all blog masters, so I will definitely try it.
I’m getting the message “Sorry, we do not allow direct or external access.” I’m running on a 1&1 Linux server host. I installed exactly as your instructions stated.
Please help.
Very useful plugin.
I’ve installed the slimstat plugin and everything seems to be fully functional with the exception of my display options. I don’t have any options available under that and I can’t see any stats. Please help.
WP Slimstat-Ex-Plugin – based on SlimStat but with expanded functionality. Great plugin. I recommend it.
Supporting external ip-to-country database is what I like most. Thanks
Why is it called that?
I installed the plugin easily but I can’t access the admin page. It gives me a 406:
But the file index.php is right there. I also tried admin.php but it was no use – same error message.
Any help appreciated.
I am getting it to work just fine under Linux/Firefox. But when I switch back to Windows/Firefox, I am getting “Sorry, we do not allow direct or external access.” How can I correct this and see the status under my Window’s Browser?
Just downloaded it yesterday and it has helped me a lot. This is the excellent plugin. I recommend this plugins to everyone who wants to track their visitors. This is even better then statscounter. Easy to install and implement and easy to use.
Give it a go and you’ll see.
[…] WP Slimstat-Ex-Plugin – based on SlimStat but with expanded functionality […]
Thanks so much for an excellent plug-in!
[…] http://082net.com/2006/756/wp-slimstat-ex-plugin-en/ タグ: Diary, slimstat, WordPress […]
i can’t seems to load the wp-slimstat on my dashboard now. it was ok when i installed started to install it. now, it i can only the message saying (loading…) but nothing appears after that.
i’m using the latest wp-slimstat-ex and wp version 2.3.1
i’m using the same wp-slimstat-ex on wpmu and it works fine.
[…] wodpress dashboard. Similar to Aksimet, a WordPress.com API key is required. Although shortstat, slimstat-Ex, and bsuite are all in the same category, I still prefer to use WordPress.com stats as it’s […]
WordPress でアクセス解析
Tag:WordPress でアクセス解析できる Plugin が無いか色々調べました。結構ありますね。で、どれにしようか迷ったんですがエイヤーで WP-SlimStat-EX に決めました。SlimStat という高機能解析ツー……
Thank you for your plugin! this help me a lot!
And I’m thank you for your comment
There is a way to show a visitors or hits count?
I’ve been using this for a couple of months now, but I would love this funcionality
Why don’t you try “Simple Stats” Pin, it will show you total, today and yesterday hits and available from
wordpress options > SlimStat > Pins
. You can select ‘count type’ and more from it’s options, bottom part of that page.is this wp 2.3 compatible?
I’m running v1.605 with WP 2.3 and there is no trouble now
i just installed this plugin on my blog and i love it! thank you!
[…] bieten sich z.B. Google-Analytics, W3Counter, reinvigorate (beta) oder eigene Installationen wie WP-Shortstat-Ex […]
[…] upgraded WeatherIcon (beta 2.99.122) and WP-Slimstat-ex […]
[…] SlimStat-Ex […]
[…] No meio de tanta escolha (e atenção que só desenvolvi os mais famosos) acabei por optar pelo WP-SlimStat-ex. Baseado no WP-SlimStat este WP-SlimStat-ex acrescenta-lhe algumas funcionalidades entre elas […]
[…] August 22nd, 2007 Google AnalyticsとSitemeter、reinvigorateを利用していますが、WP専用のアクセス解析プラグインWP-SlimStat-Exがかなり高機能だということなので導入してみました。 […]
[…] auch das Statistik-Plugin WP-Slimstat nicht mehr funktioniert. Da ich in einer anderen Installation WP-Slimstat-Ex verwende, beschloss ich ebenfalls umzusteigen (Weitere Infos zu Slimstat-Ex in meinem […]
[…] WP-Slimstat tracks your blog stats. Filed under Technology by Nico Yan Permalink • Print • Email • Comment […]
[…] WP-SlimStat-EX – Amazing Stat tracking service built into your WordPress dashboard that uses AJAX, filters, and more. […]
[…] werden. Bisher das schönste Statistik-Plugin das mir begegnet ist, und nachdem ich damals zwei Kommentare dagelassen hatte, wurden auch einige Features von FireStats eingebaut. Schöne Sache […]
[…] WP-Slimstat tracks your blog stats. […]
Thank you to help me track my wordpress blog
I have been using wp-slimstats for last few months..I like the the update that you have given to this plugin. If I install this plugin, will I be able to view earlier data that wp-slimstats has stored ?
You can import WP-SlimStat(0.92) data from “SlimStat-Admin Tool”, SlimStat option page will show you the way to the admin tool page.
[…] WP-Slimstat tracks your blog stats. (No Ratings Yet) Loading … Sphere: Related Content […]
Wow Dude, you’re quick. Didn’t expect that, took me more than a month to check back for an answer. hehe.
Thanks for replying and having a look at Firestats. Until now, it’s my statistics plugin of choice, because I can exclude the admin hits and several Bots – like Google and other search engines. I think Firestats checks for the browser used, and let’s you exclude visits by browser. That way you can exclude “GoogleBot”, “slurp” “^msnbot”, and others, by adding them to the botlist. That way you get kind of a “real visitors only” visitor count. Maybe you want to include this in WP-Slimstat-Ex? A separation like “real visitors only” and “search engine and bot querys only” would be too cool.
As for the admin and logged in users hits, I’m surprised and glad that WP-Slimstat ignores them by default. That’s pretty cool I think, don’t really feel the need for an option to deactivate this. Great you already thought about that
According to german umlauts I’m not really sure how to support them. I’m not really a coder, more like copy-and-pasting code snippets
I could make you some screen shots of what it looks like, maybe that would help you? Or I could register you an account on my blog with admin privileges, so you can check out the SlimStat page yourself. I’d be glad to help you with this, just tell me what I can do – besides coding stuff
I would also like to create a german language file for WP-SlimsStat-Ex, can you give me any information on how I can do this? Which files do I need to translate, and how do I need to save them?
Again, thanks a lot for this plugin, and thanks for your quick reply. I noticed that some plugin creators don’t really like it when you ask for features or bring up new ideas, they often see it as a call for work. Cool to meet someone who doesn’t act that way
Oh, I forgot to answer you
Well, v1.5 has the ability to excluding bots.
As for the german umlauts, I added international search string support. Could you tell me if v1.5 works with you?
You can use PoEdit to create german language file with ‘wp-slimstat-ex.pot’ and ‘slimstat-admin.pot ‘ file. Just select “new catalog from POT file…” from file menu and translate it. Save the file as “wp-slimstat-ex-de_DE.po” and it will create new “wp-slimstat-ex-de_DE.mo” also.
Thanks for your nice suggestions
[…] ・Wp-SlimStat-Ex(082net) […]
[…] WP-SlimStat-Ex WordPress Plugin is based upon Wp-SlimStat but adds some AJAX features, filters, and more. […]
[…] WP-SlimStat-Ex WordPress Plugin is based upon Wp-SlimStat but adds some AJAX features, filters, and more. […]
I’ll check the FireStats plugin. I just visit it’s demo page and I think it has many cool features.
As for the ‘Admin hits’, this plugin ignores the clicks of Admin and logged in users by default. But you know, there is no options for it right now.
I didn’t think about german umlauts till now, and I have no informations about how I support it. I can not give you an assurance, but I’ll try to support german umlauts. And maybe you can give me any informations about it
Thanks for your good suggestions
It would be cool if you could add a feature to exclude specific wordpress users from the stats. FireStats has this feature, and I think it’s quite cool to have the option to exclude my own hits on my blog, as I’m the admin, and surf on it quite a lot. And those hits shouldn’t be added to the “real” stats.
Also, german umlauts support would be greatly appreciated. Really nice work at all. Nuff respect!
[…] WP-SlimStat-Ex es un plugin de estadísticas para WordPress (basado en el WP-SlimStat) con AJAX, filtros y otras cosas interesantes. […]
justfrank// Current version doesn’t supports “Ignore Bots” but next version will
Shamis// There is no SlimStat to WP-SlimStat-Ex migration tool. I’ll check what I can do with it and include it as SlimStat-Admin Tool as soon as possible.
Håkan// Sure, Check the slimstat-ex.css file in wp-slimstat-ex/css folder.
Volker// Your server’s PHP time limit is too short to executes SlimStat-Admin tool. Ask your server admin to change the time limit to 60 sec or more.
[…] 嗯,还有这个,统计用的插件 Wp-SlimStat-Ex […]
Hi, i couldn’t upgrade from Wp-SlimStat(0.92) and update my ip-to-country database because after a few seconds i get this error message:
Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 10 seconds exceeded in /home/www/web91/html/wordpress/wp-includes/functions.php on line 1221
At the upgrade from Wp-SlimStat(0.92) i get till step “importing dt”…
Any suggestions?
[…] 今天找到一款插件 wp-slimstat-ex,看名字就知道是wp-slimstat的增强版,功能确实要强大很多,建议使用。 […]
This is totally awesome! Wonderful! Thanks a bunch for doing this.
but I find the colour clash a bit annoying…
However, I’m wondering whether I can change the mint-green to wordpress-blue? I can live with it, sure
[…] SlimStat طريقة أخرى للحصول على احصائيات الووردبريس بشكل أح… […]
Hi! Thanks for great plugin! Its better than commercial solutions like Mint. Ive been using original SlimStat plugin by Wettone and tracked over 60000 hits. Now my question is, is it possible to merge the 2 databases? Maybe you could tell me what I should change to make wp-slimstat-ex use old SlimStat database.
[…] such as which browser is used when my site is visited. I also keep a nice WordPress plugin called SlimStat-EX, which uses AJAX technology to show you a variety of nice stats right in your WordPress dashboard. […]
[…] WP-SlimStat-EX – Amazing Stat tracking service built into your WordPress dashboard that uses AJAX, filters, and more. […]
HI, great plugin !

Is it possible to disable tracking of search bots ( google bot etc. ) like in wettone’s Slimstat ? I’d appreciate it much
keep on !
[…] 配布元サイト:082NeT様 Wp-SlimStat-Ex Plugin […]
There was something wrong with my download plugin and I fixed it now. Please download the file again.
download of ex isn’t working right now…
Bethany Jensen
[…] Slimstats-Ex – Sammelt, analysiert und visualisiert Zugriffsdaten des Blogs. […]
[…] WP-SlimStat-EX – Amazing Stat tracking service built into your WordPress dashboard that uses AJAX, filters, and more. […]
I’ll look forward to the new release
I just downloaded and almost installed Slimstat standalone, but a plugin is so much easier! Thank you
[…] [Download] [Plugin Page] […]
“Wp-SlimStat-Ex”はWordPress用のアクセス解析プラグインです。Wp-SlimStat v0.9.2を基礎にして作られています。作者が韓国(マルチバイト圏)の方なので、文字化け対策もされています。現在BirD……
[…] 3、Wp-SlimStat-Ex来访统计插件(不用了,貌似会拖慢网络速度) Wp-SlimStat-Ex,一个来访统计插件,比较特殊的是它把Feed访问统计单独列出,拥有AJAX的后台,使察看更加方便。 上传目录,修改wp-slimstat-ex-config.php文件中的”$external_iptc”为”external”,”korean = true”为”korean = false”,激活。第一次激活会导入有关IP地址的地区归属可能会花些时间,访问Options => SlimStat,确认”Enable Tracking”为”enable”状态。 4、CoolPlayer 该插件可以让你很方便的在日志中插入 flash,quicktime,realmedia,windows media 等各种格式的媒体文件,该插件可以自动识别媒体类型来选择播放器,而无需用特殊的标签指定,你可以设置播放器的宽、高,是否自动播放,是否循环播放,以及媒体文件名的字符集。同时可以指定多个媒体文件,并可以在多个媒体之间无刷新切换,默认就可以很好的支持中文文件名,该插件所插入的媒体不但在 Windows 下可以播放,在 Linux 下同样可以播放。 具体使用看 CoolCode的原作 或者我的转载 […]
You can use this plugin with WordPress 2.1 but it’s not perfectly ready for WordPress 2.1
v1.4 is almost done and I’ll release it as soon as possible
Is Slimstat-Ex ready for WordPress 2.1?
Your PHP is configured to only allow 8 MB of memory per PHP page, which somehow seems to be not enough.
Solutions: (from mamboserver forum)
1. You can increase the memory allowed per process by editing this line in your
file and restarting Apache:memory_limit = 16M
(add the line if it is missing)2. If you do not have access to php.ini but your webspace is able to handle “.htaccess” files then you should be able to set it by adding the following line to .htaccess file (like Keelix06 mentioned)
php_value memory_limit 16M
3. One alternative is to contact your service provider and ask them to change that setting. Maybe they are kind enough to help.
Thanks for trying to take over for wp-slimstat (which seems to have problems with Postie in combination with something else).
I tried your show-tables.php from Dec29. The result was:
“Ok, ‘SHOW TABLES’ query was good…and your ‘table_prefix’ is ‘wp_’
Failed to check ‘bad_behavior’ and ‘slim_countries’ table
When activating the plugin, the result is (replaced system-specific text with secret):
WordPress database error: [Table ‘wp_secret.wp_slimex_pins’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT `id`,`name`,`title`, `version` FROM `wp__slimex_pins` WHERE (1 = 1)
WordPress database error: [Table ‘wp_secret.wp_slimex_pins’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT `id`,`name`,`title`, `version` FROM `wp__slimex_pins` WHERE (1 = 1)
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 8388608 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 58368 bytes) in /secret/wp-slimstat-ex/pins/SSPathStats/pin.php on line 114
…and then I must delete it to access admin panel again
. Any suggestions?
[…] Yesterday I found a new stats plugin that is state of the art : the WordPress plugin for slimstat (ex-panded). It’s based on the original slimstat plugin made by Mr. Coolman and has been expanded with Ajaxy goodness. […]
Great! Now it works!
Thank you very much for your support!
…and for the cool plugin!
Well, I found that WordPress 1.5 does not supprots “is_admin” function and WP 1.5.1 or later does.
Try this::
Open wp-slimstat-ex.php file add some lines like below:
if ( !defined('ABSPATH') ) {
header("Location: /");
function is_admin(){
return (strstr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 'wp-admin/'));
I’ll apply this to next version so that you and other WP 1.5 users don’t have to hack my plugin.
Thanks for your report
Thank you for the answer at first!
When I replace the code i get the following error message:
“Fatal error: Call to undefined function: is_admin() in /home/ftpgroup/alia/htdocs/WP/wp-content/plugins/wp-slimstat-ex/wp-slimstat-ex.php on line 433”
My WordPress Version is 1.5…i skipped the update somehow
Try this:
Open wp-slimstat-ex.php file and find
if ( !function_exists('is_admin') ) {
and replace with
if ( !defined('ABSPATH') ) {
BTW, What’s your current WordPress version?
I just tried to install your plugin but my blog is located in a subfolder of my domain and when i activate the plugin, i am instantly redirected to the rootfolder and thus cannot access the blog url anymore.
I guess, the “$url=”home” in line 49 in the wp-slimstat-ex.php needs to be changed but even when i entered the complete url of the blog the problem remained.
It would be great, if somebody could give me a hint how to fix that.
Well, change your table_prefix to lower-case ‘gb_’ that will solve your problems. I really hope this helps
Thanks for your reply once again.
Here are the results from the new “show-tables.php” file:
Ok, ‘SHOW TABLES’ query was good…and your ‘table_prefix’ is ‘GB_’
Failed to check ‘bad_behavior’ and ‘slim_countries’ table
Please check this comment on my forum.
Hello, again!
Here is the result from the show-tables.php script ( I removed the ones not related to your plugin and our discussion):
Ok, ‘SHOW TABLES’ query was good…
Ideas? ;?:
Thanks once again!
[…] 5) Statistics. We use wp-slimstat or wp-slimstat-ex because they are both so easy to install. WP slimstat ex is based on wp-slimstat but full of AJAX goodies. […]
Well, there is a list of your tables… and is there gb_slim_countries is exists and gb_bad_behavior is exists line? wp-slimstat-ex check needed table with the same way as show-tables.php and if it dosen’t exists, automatically create it when activate wp-slimstat-ex plugin.
Hello again!
I ran the “SHOW TABLES” test and I got:
Ok, ‘SHOW TABLES’ query was good… and a list of my tables.
Please advice. ;?:
[…] Wp-SlimStat-Ex,一个来访统计插件,比较特殊的是它把Feed访问统计单独列出,拥有AJAX的后台,使察看更加方便。 上传目录,修改wp-slimstat-ex-config.php文件中的”$external_iptc”为”external”,”korean = true”为”korean = false”,激活。第一次激活会导入有关IP地址的地区归属可能会花些时间,访问Options => SlimStat,确认”Enable Tracking”为”enable”状态。 Tag: statistic […]
I think you have some trouble with “SHOW TABLES” query.
Check this thread on my forum, follow the instructions and let me know about your result.
thanks for the reply!
Your answers:
1 – Yes, I do have Bad Behavior installed and active, running version 2.0.8.
2 – The setting is already as you mentioned.
I tried deactivating and reactivatind the plugin and the problem remains.
I also tried deactivating the plugin, dropping all related tables and trying a fresh start. And still no luck!
ANy other ideas?
1. Have you installed bad-behavior plugin? If not, ‘Cannot find “Bad Behavior” table’ message is right one.
2. First, open
file and check$external_iptc
value is'internal';
and Re-Activate(Deactivate – Activate) plugin. this will create ip-to-country table if not exist.I hope this can solve your problems. Thanks
Did you mean WP installation folder is “/blog/” and blog url is “/wordpress/” and WP index.php file is in “/wordpress/” folder?
BTW, if you trun “Guess post title” option on, it will show you the “title of your post” not resource path like “/wordpress/index.php?p=58”.
Thank you very much for this wonderful plugin. I would like to make a suggestion: make it identify redirections in the Recent Resources panel. For example, if I have my blog installed at /blog/ with the wordpress folder at /wordpress/ (so /blog/post/ is the same as /wordpress/post/), have it strip the wordpress/index.php from the URL of calls to /wordpress/ as it does with calls to /blog/. Right now I am looking at my Resources and I see calls to “press/index.php?p=58” when it could have simply said “?p=58”
Just a small cosmetic improvement if you are looking for something to do
I installed your plugin and I love it! Looks great and works even better!
I am having 2 problems:
1 – Bad Behaviour pin: When I go to DASHBOARD >> SLIM START and choose BAD BEHAVIOR it keeps telling me:
Cannot find “Bad Behavior” table
2 – Ip-to-country table: If I go to the “Wp-SlimStat-Ex Admin Tool” and choose “Update ip-to-country database” I get this message:
Wp-SlimStat ip-to-country update
This tool helps update ip-to-country database(GB_slim_countries)
You don’t have ip-to-country table(GB_slim_countries)
As you see my table prefix is not the standard “wp_” I use “gb_”.
In both cases I followed the steps outlined in your documentation pages.
Here is my blog info:
Wp-SlimStat-Ex 1.2
WordPress 2.0.5
Thanks in advance for your help!
Well, it works. Thx!
Yes, I agree and I’m already trying to load javascript and css file only when it’s needed but… I’m worried about so many options
Just comment or remove “add_action(‘wp_head’, …” line on wp-slimstat-ex.php file until next version if you don’t want to load css file.
Thanks for your suggestion
I love your plugin but nevertheless I am wondering why this plugin integrates its CSS-file into the normal template. So everybody loads the CSS-file. Can’t this be avoided?
[…] Slimstats-Ex – ein sehr umfangreiches, mit Plugins erweiterbares Statistikscript. Sicherlich eines der besten für WordPress. […]
[…] I have been wandering around in the wordpress plugin repository for quite a while now, and still discovering some remarkable plugins now and then. I have been having some trouble finding a statistic plugin that could come close to awstats in information. I already know of counterize and shortstat to be working just fine, and they are great plugins for showing a short overview of your stats, but are basically just not very thorough. Hurray for the wp-slimstat plugin, a wordpress plugin that integrates slimstat into your blog! Another version of wp-slimstat, also freely available, called wp-slimstat-ex adds neat ajax scripting (in a good way) and a few addons as well. It works great and is sofar the only stats plugin to give me thorough information on my visitors. A great thank you goes out to its developers […]
[…] 5) Statistics. Use wp-slimstat (http://www.duechiacchiere.it/wp-slimstat/?cp=21) or wp-slimstat-ex (http://082net.com/2006/756/wp-slimstat-ex-plugin-en/) because they are both so easy to install. WP slimstat ex is based on wp-slimstat but full of AJAX goodies. […]
[…] WP-Slimstat : One of my favorite stats tracking, before i switch into another stats tracking plugins, and provides various information such as referer, user agent, etc .. other than that this plugins is easy to use. Unfortunately this plugins hasn’t been updated for a long time, and if you’re looking for the next version of this plugin i suggest you to try WP-Slimstat EX […]
[…] Besigilinant pasirodo yra dar vienas wordpress adonas migraves nuo wp-slimstats, tai wp-slimstat-ex pagamintas vieno kiniečio, jo privalumų dar išaugę: […]
[…] WordPress SlimStat-Ex Plugin – 082NeT Statistik-Plugin für WordPress (tags: wordpress verwaltung) […]
Keep up the great work!
[…] 5) Statistics. We use wp-slimstat or wp-slimstat-ex because they are both so easy to install. WP slimstat ex is based on wp-slimstat but full of AJAX goodies. […]
[…] Vor lauter Gier war’s nicht nur SlimStats Ex selbst, was ich installiert hab’, sondern gleich noch die ganzen dort verfügbaren PINs (Plugins) dazu. Eines dieser Pins hat nach der Installation von SlimStats Ex gleich einen Fehler verursacht, da es ein anderes WordPress-Plugin voraussetzt. Durch diesen Umstand bin ich auf Bad Behaviour aufmerksam geworde. […]
[…] Ich war bislang immer ein Statistikmuffel und auch das nett gemachte Measuremap hat mich dahingehend nicht geändert. Denn die eigentlich interessanten Infos blieben immer außen vor. Dafür mußte ich aber Javascriptcode in mein Template integrieren. Nun bin ich durch Robert Basic auf ein interessantes Plugin gestoßen: WP-SlimStat Ex. Cedric Weber beschreibt das Plugin sehr detailliert. […]
[…] WP-SlimStat-Ex ist ein mit vielen Optionen und netten AJAX-Effekten angereichertes Statistik Plugin, welches auf WP-SlimStat (bzw. Slimstat) basiert. Es ist zusätzlich mit sog. Pins erweiterbar, mit denen z.B. der Verlauf eines Besuchers (PathStats) oder Downloads von Dateien analysiert werden können. Weiter gibt es eine Admin-Oberfläche auf der viele Einstellungen gemacht, alte Statistiken von WP-Shortstat und WP-Slimstat importiert, sowie alte Statistik-Daten gelöscht werden können. Hier die Übersicht der Features: […]